Thanks EA for bringing the video game back a few steps. Really, thanks. What you did here was neither clever nor funny. AND I take particular offense as a market researcher that you did this entire thing under the guise of market research. This isn't research!
First off, Dead Space 2 is rated M for mature. That means 18+. It gets that rating for a reason. Let's not forget who plays video games, not the younger crowd but the older crowd. Does the 18+ crowd really care anymore if their mom hates this game
Second, you picked conservative America precisely so you could shock these people. You could have showed them images from the latest SyFy movie special and you would have still gotten the same reaction even though we all know how horrible SyFy original movies are.

Deborah Gibson and Tiffany in MegaPython vs. Gatoroid...need I say more? Didn't think so.
Third, who are these women exactly mom to? They all look like they could be grandmothers which means their children are long grown and they're out of the loop of electronic media. I'm a mom. I think the Dead Space games are amazing! I have young children at home but you'd never touch me as a target because I'd completely disprove your theory about "your mom hates this".
In one way, you're right, "this mom does hate this"... but guess what? I hate the ad campaign and whatever jackass thought it would be a good idea. I don't hate the game, just you for this nonsense.