My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The second book in the Parasol Protectorate had so much to offer but only manages to deliver towards the end of the book.
It took me several months to actually get through this book as I would pick it up, read a chapter or two and then set it down again without so much as a thought to actually reading it. The beginning of the book moves slower than snail's pace and is missing all the elements that made the first book so enjoyable; namely the fascinating relationship between Alexia and her husband. It's not until Alexia floats to Scotland dragging behind her sister, best friend, maid, clargiver Tunstell and the mysterious Madame Lefoux that the book begins to pick up. It's then off at a whirlwind pace when she reunites with her husband; it was at this point I couldn't put the book down.
I would consider this book a "filler" episode but it certainly sets up the story for the next book as well as setting expectations high for "Blameless". I imagine, and would hope, that much of what comes from this plot, that's not directly related to Alexia and her relationship, will make it's return in later books.
I forgive the author for the plodding pace of the first half of the book because she managed to make me feel real emotion and a snap of incredulous heartbreak for Alexia. I'm looking forward to the third book and this is a must read for the fans of this series. Choke it down like medicine because you'll feel a whole lot better at the end and be ready to, and looking forward, to the next installment in The Parasol Protectorate.
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