My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When a Yeti is eating the ice cream in the freezers you're suppose to stock, who do you call? Naturally you call animal control. Good thing animal control works with the cryptobiological containment unit who are well equipped to handle Yeti's, Trolls, and all those others creepies who go bump in the night.
The concept of various layers of consciousness and creatures co-existing in one plane is always a fun one to work with and Martinez does it well. Think of this as a very gritty, grown up Harry Potter story. There are those who walk within the realm of the supernatural, those who can sense it but quickly forget (light cog) and those who are completely oblivious (incogs). When the world of the supernatural collides with a very inquisitive light cog, the universe as we know it is in trouble. This story follows Monster, Judy, Chester and a very interesting cast of characters as worlds collide.
My only negative is the ending. I really felt it "cheapened" the entire read. However, I give Martinez this...he is very true to his characters. My hats off to him for keeping true right up to the very end even if I didn't like it. Perhaps my problem was with Monster (as a personality) himself and not with the ending; and if that's the case (and I'm pretty sure it is) Martinez breathes incredible life into his characters.
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